Friday, June 28, 2013

Once Upon A Flower


Many flowers look great and inviting but really are pests. Here are a few.

Morning Glory is such a lovely name for a weed that takes over and is very hard to get rid of. It chokes out any competition but when it blooms it gives off such a lovely face.

 Dandilions have a pretty yellow head. To the untrained eye it is a delight to see unless it is in your beautiful green grass. The dying head is what is really fun. if you blow on it the seeds are carried away on little parachutes. It is also fun to watch it poof into flames when lit. The bigger the ball, the bigger the flame.
 Daisies also look sunny and sweet as they take over the landscape. Once they dry they are forest fire fodder. If left in a vase they become Bees like them though. I wonder if the honey tastes good.

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