Monday, July 8, 2013

Trout Creek

This place holds a special place in my heart. Trout Creek has a water fall. This is a place that I was shown after my dad died and many times after that I have come here to seek solace. I love to listen to the water rushing over the falls, the green overgrowing the neglected path and the light peaking through the trees.

It is a short hike to this spot but well worth it. It is off the fire road and downhill from the lone cabin. Along it's banks are huckleberries and ferns as tall as a person. To get to this spot you need to be able to climb over large fallen logs and loose soil.

I have climbed these falls. There are holes in the rocks warn by water that allow you to climb the 10ft upper falls. I have walked the creek from the pool at the camp all the way down to this spot. The way is full of spider webs and crayfish nipping at your toes.

 A carpet of clover.
The tree house is rebuilt and looks lovely. Now it has two stories and more people can sleep in it. Many games were played where water bombs were lobbed from the house to those down below. If you got wet you were out. If you made it, you got a bean prize under neath at the base of the tree.  Such good memories.

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