Tuesday, July 2, 2013


 I used to love looking at fireworks. The colors as they lit up the night sky, the smell of sulfur in the air and the oooos and ahhhhs from the people around you looking up into the sky.

The 4th of July would start with making a bunch of food. Potato Salad, cutting up watermelon, cherry salad, cutting lemons and packing it all into the car. At noon we would get together the first meal of hotdogs and hamburgers, lemonade and chips.

Then we would get the ice cream maker out. Each of us had to churn the ice cream maker in turns lasting 15 minutes. Your arm gets tired after 5.

Then we would play games in the yard. Swing on the swings, play on the teeter totters, ride bikes, play Frisbee and lawn darts and bocci.

Late afternoon we would have ice cream on cones and sometimes with sprinkles. Strawberry made from fresh picked Oregon strawberries was a favorite.

 In early evening it was time to eat the big meal of grilled steak or more hamburgers. Trays of lettuce, pickles, onions and condiments littered the picnic table.

Then it was story time. The adults told stories of them growing up or funny things that happened to relatives. At dusk the sparklers came out and the popping noise makers.

 Then parents got us kids into our footy pajamas and settled with our blankies in our chairs and we started to scan the sky for the first signs of the fireworks as the adults got the car all packed up.

 Each of us had a different favorite. Some liked certain colors and others like certain configurations. Our necks would be sore from looking up for a long time. We would always guess when the finale started. Then we would get into the car and head home. I loved the day of fun outside.

Then I moved to AZ. Being outside for any length of time in July is miserable. Potato salad and ice cream melt. I don't want to play Frisbee or ride a bike. I want to be inside in the AC and watch through the window. It's not the same. :(

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