Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Japanese Gardens

The Japanese Gardens were built in the 70s and the first time I went it was as part of a school field trip. I remember that in preparation we learned about the tea ceremony and how to write a Haiku. You have to hike up a hill to get to it as the parking lot is down below but they offer rides up and down the hill all day.

 This is one of my favorite waterfalls. This place is peaceful and enjoyable with lots of places to sit and rest and look at the beautiful garden.
 I also like fountains as well and this one is a little different. The fountain fills the bamboo stick. Once it is full, it falls toward the pool at the bottom and empties into it. Once empty it snaps up to be filled again. What is so lovely about this fountain is that it takes several minutes to get full. It makes me stop spinning and slows me down as I watch it go through its cycle several times.

 This fountain is just visually fun because it creates the same ripple effect that is raked into the rocks around the garden. It is a reminder of how one person affects others and they affect others, etc. One small act can change the world.

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