Monday, July 29, 2013

Sedona Landmarks.

Sedona, while spiritually confused, is a lovely place to visit. It has lots of treasures that are fun to explore and to enjoy, especially if you have a camera.
 This photo is a favorite because it is almost 3D. You know that one spine is aimed at your eyes and it blurs as it would if you were that close to a cactus.

 In Sedona is the red rock church. It is a catholic church that is built right into the side of the red rocks. I like this place to contemplate, it is quiet and serene.
 Candles are in rows and lit for reasons I don't fully know but I like to think that they are for prayers and for people and I like praying over them.

A prayer was said for me in this church. One I still remember and one that has been at least partially answered.

 Sedona has lots of rock formations that are fun to look at and see shapes in like clouds.  The first is called Madonna and child. Being seen from a catholic church, it is obvious.

I like to think that the next one is the front of an elephant but then that is an East Indian notion and wouldn't be accepted, I am sure.
 Does this look like there is a guy singing? from farther away, it looks like he has more. I am sure this one has a name but I can't tell you what it is.
 This small rock in the middle is called snoopy. He is laying on his dog house.
 This one is called coffee pot. It looks like the old percolators from the 60s.
 The teal arches. Sedona's city ordinance is to not detract from the sights and so the city has a color code. McDonalds complied and now has the only teal arches in the country. A definate curiosity.
The big white chicken is a piece of art that is in a gallery along the road. Fun things await the eye in this gallery of galleries. Everything from wall art to practical art. I really hope they never sell the big white chicken. It is a landmark of the area.

Friday, July 26, 2013

How Cool is That?

 This is part of a lamp mobile with hanging glass circles which remind me of bubbles. They reflect the light from the battery powered candles. It is practical art. How Cool is That?
 A cactus close up spines so fine you want to touch them because they look so soft. What you don't see are the barbs at the ends of those spines. Amazing that a plant would grow these spines. How Cool is That?
 It is amazing how this cactus grows by starting with the little petals in the middle and as they grow they make room on the inside for more baby petals. It spirals out constantly during the growth cycle. How Cool is That?
 In this cactus, the spines grow from the middle outward. It is like unfolding a porcupine. It looks like a mess but it is in line with one of the ridges on this plant. How Cool is That?
 Funky flowers that look like snow. One of the rare times that the desert has snow. You don't want to throw these little snowballs. They pack a punch with spines that will make you regret it. How Cool is That?
This cactus is growing out of it's breeches. It's split ends are curling. It must be a girl cactus. The curls are whimsical and lovely. How Cool is That?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Back at the Beach

 The treasures you find at the beach are always different. Sometimes you find jewels, like shells and sea creatures. Other times you find irony like in this picture. Is that not a sign that says no swimming? lol What are those little black things in the water? More Surfers? I guess the sign doesn't say no surfing.

 Love this backpack just sitting on the beach waiting for it's owner to return. Maybe Dora the explorer went swimming.
 Oh there is where Dora went. She went to play with God and his waves. He is trying to sneak up on her and get her wet. He is churning up the sand to reveal his treasures for her.
 He is creating laces on the sand with foam and entertaining her with sand fleas trying to escape the churning water. He is giving her a pedicure with the sand, exfoliating her feet.
Above he is delighting her with visual displays of clouds and birds in formation.

He loves her so much to give her all of these gifts.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Flight

 I heard a noise and looked up to see what was flying overhead making such a racket. But my eye got caught on a tree and a blue symbol that was that changed in the wind. It reminded me of a Chinese character though more complicated and morphed into other symbols as if a flashing bill board was introducing the producer of the sound over head. 

 The geese cast a shadow over me and made a splash as they came to the water below.

 One banded for tracking as I was now doing visually. The pair seemed devoted to each other as they preened and looked for anyone with a crust of bread.
 Baths were apparently in order. I assume it had been a long flight. It was probably cooler in the water than in the air as well.
Joining the many fowl, the geese dominate the crowd. Ducks, Coti, and other Geese call this lake home certain months out of the year.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Through a Macro Lens

I love to take my Macro lens and shoot pictures of things through that tunnel vision. Mundane things seem brand new and interesting.

 These are parts of a tractor at Saquaro Ranch Park.

 It is fun to look around at different heights and angles to get unusual views. Even a gate becomes mesmerizing when shot up close.

 I am so excited to be able to take a class next year to learn more about this type of photography.

 A weathered roof, a tractor wheel or an old nail in a board are visually fun to explore in this manor.

 A palm tree up close makes me wonder what kinds of bugs and animals that live in this habitat.

This is a fun way to look at the world.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Shooting Letters

I saw this technique and really enjoyed shooting and putting this CD cover together. It makes you look differently at the world. It is kinda fun that way. My goal was to take recognizable photos of Phoenix that everyone would know. 

The K was made to look like only part of it was painted. I added pealing paint  to the parts that are not the K so that the K pops out This is not the exact photo but I had to change the exposure severely so that branches show up to look like a Y.

Again I had to change the exposure to make this work out. The orange made a good O.

Palm trees are all over the place in Phoenix. They trim them up and when they do they kind of look like a T.

 Saguaros are prolific in the Southwest and this one with the little arm kind of looks like a J.
Looking for Zs. I found this one on a chicken farm. I did the same kind of thing with the K. In fact I used part of the chipping paint on the slats to make the K look like parts of it hadn't been painted. 
This is an unusual cactus. Can you see the Z? Believe it or not it actually is one cactus.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Queen Anne's Lace

It is assumed that this flower is named after an English monarch and her great grandmother, both with the name of Anne. As Anne of Green Gables says "it looks so much more distinguished with an E." 

 This flower grows wild in the Northwest. It has a strong stem that it hard to tear. It is called lace because it looks like lace
The red part of the flower is to attract bees but legend says that the queen pricked her finger while making lace. It isn't likely that she would have made lace, being a queen and all, but legend is fun to imagine and reminds me of a fairy tale.